Friday, June 27, 2014

A Time Frame Comparison: So... What's Changed?!

Everybody tells you that your life is going to change dramatically when you have a baby.  I beg to differ...

I spent five years and thousands of dollars to earn a degree that I am no longer using. Yes, I am a college graduate, and what I really gained from that time of my life is way beyond a paper diploma.  Before attending my first semester, I assumed college would teach me academics and prepare me for "the real world."  HA!  I am glad the bubble I was living in at that time has been popped. Don't get me wrong, I did learn elementary math and figured out that I could use my bus pass for years to come. I did learn some life skills that many people gain in their early twenties: independence being a big one. I also figured out that your health can change instantly.  And that people who you think love you can break you in your most vulnerable state only to make you stronger.  I balanced three jobs, sixteen credits, endless hours of music making, and at that time, a checkbook.  Who balances those anymore?!   I did find time to socialize. Who am I kidding... I made time. It is what kept me sane, and turned me insane.  Those of you who have lived the college lifestyle know that it can be financially, mentally, and emotionally stressful at times. Life can feel exhausting, exciting, terrifying and gratifying all in the same moment.  And in a blink of an eye, it can all change.  There are nights when you don't sleep, times when you try and try and try to accomplish anything, and fail.  There are days filled with joy, laughter, growth, love, and success. Life spirals with its ups and downs but you wouldn't trade it for anything.  It is all part of life as a college student. 

I spent seven months pregnant, two months in the hospital and racked up thousands of dollars in medical bills.  Yes, I am a parent, and what I really gain from that is way more than the title of mom.  Before having a child, I assumed my life would instantly change the moment that little beauty entered our earth.  Don't get me wrong, there was a definite shift biologically and an instinctual transformation, and my heart grows with each beat.  I have figured out how to cook meals with one hand and I am pretty sure I can get an award for entertainer of the year... at least the look on baby's face sure says that anyway! I balance three jobs, a household, endless hours of creating, performing, singing, and keep a close eye on my bank account.  I find time for myself.  Who am I kidding... I make time for myself.  It is what keeps me sane, and sometimes turns me insane.  Those of you who live the parent lifestyle know that it can be financially, mentally, and emotionally stressful at times.  Life can feel exhausting, exciting, terrifying and gratifying all in the same moment.  And in a blink of an eye, it can all change.  There are nights whey you don't sleep, times when you try and try and try to accomplish anything, and fail.  There are days filled with joy, laughter, growth, love, and success. Life spirals with its ups and downs but you wouldn't trade it for anything. It is all part of life as a parent.

So, what's changed?  The easier question to answer is: What's the same?

Taking care of room mates in a cluttered house on little sleep. :)

Lake Michigan Sunset
photo by Charity Huot Benedict