Any of us living in what feels like the arctic tundra may be experiencing static cling, dry skin, short days, frozen nose hairs, dead car batteries, and a repetitive schedule that may sound like a broken record. Believe me, winters in Minnesota can drive the most free spirited and adventurous of souls crazy. But somehow these characteristics make us stronger and proud to be living in the coldest places during the longest months. There does come a time however, when our feet get stuck and our minds follow. Do you find yourself feeling bored of your routine with the dead winter blues?
I simply start each day with 1 goal and hope to feel slightly renewed before my head hits the pillow. Actually doing something different, physical, mind carving, and unfamiliar can boost my endorphins and give me a fresh outlook on the ice covered streets I walk day in and day out.
So, to remind myself to warm up as the cold lingers, I have created a list of things that I have tried when my days and nights collide into a frozen winter halt. My bucket list of to-do's continues to lengthen, but these little things I have checked off the list have lead to some of the greatest adventures I have experienced. Some are recent and some from years passed. But they have helped me see the potential awards that winter can actually offer. Don't just sleep the day away or sit there and watch endless episodes and seasons on Netflix... well, once in a while that sounds lovely... get out there and explore.
Do them. Share them. Create your own. Set a goal. Conquer a new task. Take a risk. Live.
~ Pick up an instrument, learn a few chords and notes, and call your friends to make some music. You will discover a connection, a sound, or a memory to hold onto.
~Write a letter or a thank you note to an old friend. Long live snail mail!
~ Learn to knit or crochet. It passes time and keeps you warm. Win win.
~Find a new recipe and try something you have never eaten. There is nothing like a yummy taste explosion.
~Support local music. What do you think Musicians do when it's so cold out? Get out there and hear some new tunes.
~Volunteer at a place you want to be. There are great communities all around you to be a part of. I love the Cedar Cultural Center!
~Try out a class at a fitness center. I have been practicing Nia... love it. The power and energy in that class is compelling.
~ Snowshoe, ski, skate, snowboard. Embrace the cold.
~Book club, beer buddies, wine and bitch, laugh and craft... whatever you want to call it. Join or start a group. Socialize.
~ Sign up for a class. I enjoyed classes at The Loft. A writer's gotta write.
~Grow a plant. Green thumb or not, it gives you a bit of life in the dead of winter.
~ Play Dates. Make the effort to hang out with your friends and children. How about mixing happy hour and Sesame Street? Sounds relaxing and educational.
~Build a bonfire. What is better then smoke in your eyes, your clothes smelling like fire, and a cold ass as the front of your body heats up? But really, it is calming and mesmerizing.
~Have a dance party in the living room. Let it all go.
~ Bundle up and go for a walk. Just do it.
~ Start a project. PINTEREST!
~Photography. Dust off your camera and spend an hour taking photos. I enjoy making photo books and calendars with my pictures.
~Play Cards. Hearts is where it's at.
~Travel. It is a holistic life experience. I'm not sure which was more memorable: rafting the Grand Canyon or Living in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
~Call your grandparents. They would love to hear your voice.
~Take a hot bath or a sauna. Ahhhhhhhh, the heat!
~ Dinner Party. Pick a theme and have each friend bring part of the meal. I'll bring the wine!
~Start a blog. Get the juices in your brain flowing through the inter-web. Someone is interested in what you have to say.
~Write a song. Even if it's for your kids. I need to get going on album number 3!
~Laugh. Learn a new joke, read The Onion, or tune into Jimmy Fallon. Laughing is my favorite!
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You DO have time to try something new and refreshing. Even if it is a couple minutes a day or week. Make the best of the winter because before you know it, you will be outdoors in the middle of 90 degree and humid weather. You will be wishing for a blast of cold air!
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