Sunday, September 15, 2019

Duluth is a Cool City, Most of the Time...


An essay I delivered to the Chief of Police, City Council, and Mayor of Duluth.

Duluth is a cool city, in my opinion.  I was born at St. Mary's Hospital in Duluth, Minnesota.  I attended Chester Park Elementary, Woodland Middle School, and Central High School (all of which no longer exist). At least the college I graduated from with a degree in elementary education still stands strong.  Go Bulldogs!

Duluth is breathtakingly beautiful, sprinkled with nature trails, and rests along the shores of Lake Superior.  The heartbeat of that town pulses with every dedicated person who finds pride and joy in living there.  The restaurants and breweries add pizzaz to the ambiance that already exists.  And the cherry on top?! The music scene!  Which I can proudly say I have been part of through UMD's Vocal Jazz program, and decades of playing and recording my own original music on stages all over that hill.  I lived and breathed Duluth for years!  From growing up in the schools and churches, to cashiering at grocery stores and serving tables in the restaurants, to teaching elementary and middle school,  and coordinating programs at nonprofit organizations; I gave a lot of myself to that place.  And yes, my social life was definitely a priority.  It was my community and it raised me well.  I have been away for over 8 years, but I proudly call it home.

For the first time in my life, I am unimpressed and disappointed in Duluth.  Let's just get to the point?!  Okay.  My brother lost his job with the Duluth Police Department over a year ago for an incident with an excessive use of force.  It's recently been released for public knowledge.  It's not pretty.  I don't agree with his split second decision.  I think he would be the first to admit and agree that he could have made a better choice.  Nothing about those few minutes is okay.  And I understand, that the climate in our country with police brutality as at its peak.  It's wrong.  They have A LOT of work to do to make this right, and this situation is terrible timing.  Almost like Duluth has to prove that they are fixing "the problem of police brutality."   He made a mistake.  We ALL make mistakes.  But who is to throw the first stone?  Do you want to know what else is terrible?  How the media, the chief of police, and the city are portraying him to be a vindictive and bad cop.  It is wrong how the facts are being fabricated and not the whole story is being told.  They clearly have no idea who he is as a person and the values that he was raised in.  They are slapping their own town in the face.

I vote democratic.  I support Black Lives Matter.  I believe the government shouldn't have control over women's rights.  I believe anyone should be able to marry who they want.  I was raised in a Catholic home.  I respect all people no matter what they look like or where they came from and if they have different beliefs then I do.  We are all in this together. 

So now that you have a little of my history and background,  my beliefs, and my upbringing in a valued town,  I do not agree that this situation with officer Huot is being handled appropriately.  It is being turned into a political and racial situation to prove something.  What is it that they are trying to prove anyway?  Please tell me! Because even though I do not agree with this one episode, I know this man has the city and the people in it, in his best interest.

And so, I have a lot of questions and comments.  Why wasn't this civilian complying?  Why did he get called in several times in the same night?  Why didn't the other police officers step up and take action to help and support a fellow officer? Why are the facts of this story being told incorrectly? The city has the opportunity to show that they equally support the people who work there and live there, in all capacities.

This is about overall character.  This is about values.  Its about owning up our mistakes.  Its about supporting and helping everyone in the community.  Its about taking care of the people and the businesses.  Its about respecting civilians and officers and children and elderly of all ethnicities and visitors to the town.  I am ashamed that the police department is not supporting their own people.  Isn't a year without pay and character assassination enough for pulling someone by the handcuffs who wouldn't comply?  Why is it necessary to appeal the arbitrators decision to reinstate him and prolong this process and cost the city a ton of money? Isn't the arbitrators decision final? (So how do you really feel about unions?) What is happening with the chiefs actions to violate privacy clauses before the arbitration was finalized?  How is an officer supposed to deal with the issues of soliciting, inebriation, and non compliance in the downtown district?

Yes, maybe I am bias.  But when you walk through life with someone you KNOW has a warm heart, who is human and makes mistakes, and you see them being destroyed by political agendas, its disheartening. Especially when it is in the town I was born and raised in.  I guess I don't know why Officer Huot would want to serve a town who thinks he is flawed and a threat to the community. But they have it backwards this time.  It seems to me they have forgot about his positive work and involvement with the safety blueprint for domestic violence policy.  Like the fact that he has a vice presidential coin for his work in this program.  Or the fact that he saved a 22 year old woman's life from an overdose and resuscitated a man from cardiac arrest.   What about that time he rescued people off of a terrible bus accident?  Or the time he safely stopped a teenager from running into a school with a loaded gun.  How about the fact that he kept his police car stocked with wrapped gifts for children on christmas in the event that he saw them over the holiday?  Or the day to day encounters, sacrifices, and professionalism that he has contributed to the city for 9 years.  Did you know that he is a family man?  Or that he has volunteered in other countries to help communities around the world?  Yeah, he is a malice and terrible man.  Shit, fire his ass....

Then his gifts that you clearly don't see, can be served elsewhere!

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