Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Be Mindful

I am trying to recall the last time life wasn't "busy."  From working, to family events, to appointments, to performances, to responsibilities at home, to maintaining relationships and so on, I am lucky if I have a few moments to lay in a hammock and feel the breeze on my skin. It may have been over ten years ago, when I lived in St. Vincent, that the pace of life felt relaxed.  Oh America, why must we rush through every routine incident?

It hasn't been until recent years that I have been more aware of squeezing the most out of each scheduled task.  It is so easy to get caught up in our calendars that before you know it, the next season already surrounds us.  I have been better about finding "time for myself" as they say.  Even if it is just feeling my feet grip the earth as I walk my dog, or feel the warm water and stone in my hands as I wash the dishes.  

Your whole perspective of every mundane chore and endeavor can become much more enjoyable if you are mindful, grateful and present in each ordinary mission.  Stop thinking about what is next on the list, and just be, where ever you are.  

Our circumstances in life can change in an eyes blink.  I have easily learned that by being launched into a lifestyle of bed rest because of a few pregnancy hurdles.  Now they say I have all the time in the world to relax!  The calendar is empty!  If only it were that easy to embrace... we do the best we can...

No matter where we are in life, no matter what turn of events, or how quickly our schedules fill up, be aware of each daily venture.  At least give yourself that gift.  

Enjoy the steam of the shower instead of thinking about your crazy day ahead.  Notice how lotion feels as you apply it on your skin. Observe your surroundings as you wait in long lines.  Feel the textures of the meals you consume on your tongue.  Delight in the company you are with.  Savor the taste of your favorite beverage.  If you can even make time for these little things, you have given yourself something.

Revel in each moment.

Be grateful.  Be present.  Be mindful 

Minnehaha Falls
Photo by: Charity Huot Benedict

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