Friday, September 20, 2013

Laughter: Who Doesn't Love It?!

I love overdosing on laughter.  The side affects of watery eyes, a sore stomach, and shortness of breath somehow leave me feeling oddly refreshed.  I wish I encountered this experience more often.  I am lucky if I get a couple of good doses a day.  Laughter IS the best medicine.

As a child, I remember sitting in church with my family and having many laughing episodes.  Almost anything would set me off.  A cute baby, bad singing, an expression on the priests face, my interpretations of the homilies, silence... It's almost as though I would look for an opportunity to giggle... even though I knew I absolutely shouldn't.  And then I would hold my breath as my shoulders would shake uncontrollably until I got "the look" from my dad.  Self control was always limited during that hour every week.

Do you ever laugh when you see someone fall?  OMG, I find it hilarious.  But only when it is a good friend, who is in good health, and when they stand up I know they are okay.  Then the laughter pours out, followed by a discussion of past falling events and the chuckling continues.

Every once in a while I crack myself up.  I don't really know what starts it, but once I get going, watch out. My husband looks at me and just shakes his head.  He knows not to interrupt or question a solid laughing session.  He just smirks and says "you think you are so funny."  I really don't think that.  I actually wish I was more funny.  I just utterly enjoy laughing attacks.

I used to work at a grocery store.  To pass time, a few co-workers and I would start laughing circles.  When business was slow we would pick new laughing styles to try out: boisterous, petit, snorting, sniggering, closed mouth, full body engagement, head back, chattering jaw, cackling... you name it, we explored it.  What we found was always amusing and worth the $6.75 an hour.

Lately I find that the shows Parks and Rec, Modern Family, and Jimmy Fallon can provide me with a robust gut laugh.  As well as reminiscing about college years and young adult life.  Not to mention puns, good jokes, inside jokes, humorous articles, and even my dog can cause a good chuckle.  I guess, just like I did as a child, I am always looking for a hearty heavy howl.

I hope that you find some good ol' fashion medicine that makes you split a side, tear up,  bust a gut, and roll on the floor with spontaneous laughing sounds and movements.  We all need a healthy and pleasurable daily dose of laughter.
Comical Moment At My Wedding
Photo by: Bailey Aro Photography 

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